Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Krewe of Marleaux - Marlo's first second line

Happy Mardi Gras everyone!

Man I haven't been to Mardi Gras in a long time. I really miss it. Not just the actual day, but the season leading up to it. It was such a magical time in my childhood. The costumes, the music, the food, the parades and everything about the season still holds a place in my heart. Even as a moody teenager, I was never too cool to dress up or to go to parades with my family.

The Krewe of Nereids in Waveland, MS was always a blast. Before the parade started, we would walk the route to see who we would run into. You never knew who it would be but it was always like a reunion. It was tradition for my brother and I to buy beaucoup pounds of crawfish after the parade. We'd then rent some flicks, go back to the house and just spend the rest day eating crawfish while watching movies.

I want Marlo to experience the same magic as I did as a child. Unfortunately we cannot make it this year. However, I decided we could have our own parade right here in LA in the living room. We set up her stuffed animals as spectators and marched through listening to traditional Mardi Gras tunes. So here is Marlo's first Mardi Gras and first time to dance the second line.

*Here is the after party picnic