Friday, May 17, 2013

Walking, Talking... Driving?

so Marlo is talking... A LOT. yesterday she was showing me where all her body parts were. ears, eyes, teeth, nose, etc... then showed me where mine were. she also says belly button. can you believe this kid?
today she climbed up on the seat at the table and proceeded to eat her breakfast. she wants (thinks) she is big and wants to do whatever Candice and I do.

also, i taught marlo to drive. here is a picture and a video:

Monday, May 6, 2013

I suck at journals/blogs

i say I'm going to do things and i do at first, then seem to fizzle out. on journals i have always had this problem. its not that i don't have anything to write, its that i write too much. this idea makes me procrastinate and ultimately i just don't execute.

so I'm going to try and write a little each day.

Marlo is getting big. she has many words now. most she knows, but some she just mimics. she's so cute and sweet. she is sick right now but she is strong. she doesn't whine too much. she has super high temps for the past couple of days. i hope she gets better soon. i love her so much