I used to wish on shooting stars, wishbones, dandelions, same numbers displayed on a digital clock (i.e. 11:11 or 3:33), etc...
My wishes were usually to sell one of my scripts, or make my own film, or just make it somehow in Hollywood.
I do, in fact, still make wishes on the above occasions. However, since watching my daughter all day long, my priorities have changed. Of course, above all I wish for her good health. Then immediately after that I wish for the following:
- I wish she would stop climbing on dangerous things
- I wish she would stop eating everything in my garden and calling it "apples"
- I wish she would stop eating cat food
- I wish I could go to the bathroom alone for a change
- but most of all, I wish she would just go to sleep for her nap right about now!
Worn Out Dada